Bonuses - Deductions - Overrides - Advances - Supplies
This section is for entering Bonuses, Deductions, Over-rides, and Advances that are NOT tied to a sale.
o If any need to be tied to a sale, enter them in the "Bonuses, Deductions, Overrides" section of the Sales Order form.
Step 1: Select a Representatives name from the drop-down menu.
Step 2: Select the type of Bonus you would like to apply from the "Type" box, in the "Notes" box put any notes you would like.
o You can pre-define Bonus Types in the Chart of Accounts section.
Step 3: Enter the date the Bonus was given, and the amount ( If the amount was not already pre-defined from Chart of Accounts )
Step 4: Select the check box if you would like the Bonus to be applied to the next Payroll.
o Bonuses, Deductions, Over-rides and Advances will be applied to the Payroll period that covers the Date Entered.
o However, if you want to apply the Bonus, Deduction, Over-ride, or Advance to the next Payroll regardless of Dates, click in the box next to "Apply to Next Pay."