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 Entering Sales

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Sales Order


          Hint: If you are new to using BizTrack, start with the "Using BizTrack Basics"


          The Sales Order area is where you will enter in all customer information, as well as Payment information, commission adjustments, etc.


          The Sales Order form is divided into 4 Sections:


                    1.)  Customer Information


                    2.)  Payment Information


                    3.)  Reps, Product's, and Commissions


                    4.)  Bonuses, Deductions, and Over-Rides



Customer Information


          This is where you would enter all customer information. To enter data quickly you can simply press the enter or tab key between fields.





Payment Info


Enter all Sale information here, calculations will be done automatically. Please note that any down payment received must be entered twice, once in the "Down Pmt on Contract", and once in either "Paid-Cash/CK" or "Paid-CC", depending on how the down payment was paid.





Product Information and Commissions


This is where you will enter all Product information, the date it was sold, who the Reps were on the sale, supplies, etc. Commission calculations will be done automatically.  When the sale has been paid on, select the "OK to Pay" box and select a pay date.




Bonuses, Deductions, and Over-Rides


Select any bonuses or deductions you would like on this particular sale.












   Copyright © 2012 BizTrack Inc.