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 Payroll Reports

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Payroll Reports


This form will display Payroll Reports from previous Payrolls, select a Pay Date then choose either "Pay Summary" or "Pay Summary Detail".


o        Pay Summary Detail will give you a more detailed report.




Pay Summary:

Displays the totals for each Rep by Account Type: Commissions, Bonuses, Advances, Deductions, and Savings.


Pay Summary Detail:

Displays the detail Payroll items for every Rep.


Rep Pay Statements:

Displays a copy of the Rep Statement for each Rep.



Below is a Detailed Payroll Report:



Rep Pay Statements


Displays a copy of the Rep Statement for each Rep.  Select a Pay Day, then choose which kind of report you would like (Most popular are reports 2 and 3).


Select any additional options that you would like, and press OK.















      <---------  Choose more options if you need them

                              to show on the Pay Statements.










Below is an example of a #3 Rep Statement with Price & Pending Sales:























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